Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Deer oh deer, smells from home and Carp Castle......

Day 7
Sunday October 2
Miyajima: 20ish and partly cloudy

A great night’s sleep on a futon…..haven’t done that for years!! Then it was up and out for our anticipated Japanese breakfast. The food at HIC has been very hit and miss, with not a lot of Japanese food being served, it seems to be what they think Western tastes are. But this morning we will be in for a delight.

Not a bad view to wake up to!!

Ahhh. Yeah….no. For some reason, when we were booked in, we were booked in for a Western breakfast. So instead of the miso soup, pickles, rice, fish and what looked to be some kind of shell fish bubbling away on an individual burner, we had: cold scrambled eggs, two pieces of ham, cabbage salad, and sweet bread rolls with margarine and jam and orange juice. To say we were disappointed is an COMPLETE understatement. There were nearly tears! We had all been looking forward to the expected AWESOME Japanese breakfast. Instead, we got some cold crap on a plate. Sigh…..

Then it was off to have a look around Miyajima….again. So Travis and I headed back to the ootorii; today was a bit overcast, so the light was different. And the tide was out again……giving a different perspective!

We went for a wander of the shops (again) and saw a Japanese bride and groom……

Looked around the shops at some of the nutso characters……

Stopped for a anago-man (steamed bun with eel and vegetables)…..

Took some dodgy photos…..

Ate some more kaki…..

Then went back to sit by the ootorii and watch the world go by.  And watch deer eat people’s maps and bags and anything they could get their teeth into!!!

After a looooooooong time, everyone else arrived for a group photo and then we headed off the island.

From Miyajima, we caught the train to Hiroshima where we proceeded to go out for a lunch of gyudon which is thinly sliced beef on rice. Travis, Sue, Anna and I then headed off for Hiroshima Castle by tram.

At first, we entered the Ninomura (second compound) and wandered through the restored turrets.

While there, Sue instructed us on how to play the taiko drums…..

On August 6, 1945, the castle was destroyed by the atomic bomb blast. The present tower was reconstructed in 1958. What a sad loss of history!! The castle was originally built sometime between 1592 and 1599.

On the way to the castle we found the so-called ‘A-bombed eucalyptus’ and the ‘A-bombed willow’. The smell of the eucalyptus leaves had me tearing up a bit…’s amazing what a smell from home can do to you!!!

Leading to the castle is Hiroshima Gogoku Jinja (Shrine)……

The ruins of the Hiroshima Imperial Army Headquarters…..

And then we were able to enter the castle. Hiroshima jou or castle is nicknamed "Carp Castle" as the area where the castle was built was, at that time, called Koi-no-ura (Koi or carp sea area).

Unfortunately, we were unable to take photos in the castle, but there were about 4 floors of various artifacts including swords, women’s wigs, samurai outfits, photography and so on.

At the end of one section you were able to dress up as a lord or a geisha….I chose to dress up as a samurai!!!

Then it was off to the top of the castle, where we could get great views of Hiroshima City. It was a fantastic view and we were even able to see the ruins of the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall or the A Bomb Dome.

After Hiroshima Castle it was time for some retail therapy. Mind you by this time, we were all knackered. After Anna spent some (!!!) time buying a camera, we headed to Hondori or the main street and grabbed some udon (noodles) for dinner. At Hiroshima Station, we found some cute cakes……

After about a 40 minute train ride, we arrived in Saijo and then headed back ‘home’ to HIC.

Phew! What a weekend. And yes, my feet did hurt……(private joke)……

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